Originally created by the Easter Bunny, the Ferret is one the of the first known of the Easter Bunny Helpers. The Ferret is the silliest of the Easter Bunny Helpers. Magical, playful and curious, the Ferret knows how to cheer up someone when they're down. | |
The Ferret is barely ever serious and loves to play around. The Ferret has a difficult time staying serious and just loves to joke around. The Ferret loves to pull harmless pranks, especially on bullies and put them in their place. | |
A very agile Easter Bunny Helper, the Ferret is cunning and quick, and can find his way out of difficult situations. The Ferret loves to climb, run, but most of all --- play. | |
Pulling pranks on others. | |
People with no sense of humor. | |
Saying "Please" and "Thank You" with a big smile. |
Need help naming your Ferret? Want to create your very own Ferret helper?